Making suggestions in a team
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

Making suggestions in a team

Watch the video for some tips on the language used to give constructive feedback to other members of your team.

As you listen, write down three phrases…

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Negotiating actions in a team
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

Negotiating actions in a team

Watch the video to explore the language used for indicating agreement and disagreement with team members.

After you have watched the video, create two short dialogues.

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Colours in design. The importance of culture
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

Colours in design. The importance of culture

You will watch a video about Design Influences on design: Culture. Then you will have a listening comprehension activity and a speaking activity about differences in cultures and their impact on the different types of buildings.

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Overview effect
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

Overview effect

On reading the handout you will be encouraged to look at our modern world from a little broader perspective. Additionally, the listening task will explain what an overview effect is and how it can prove useful and eye- opening.

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VUCA - teamwork perspective
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

VUCA - teamwork perspective

This handout will give more information about the concept of VUCA and the tips how to live and thrive in this VUCA world.

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An interview about social mood during/after the pandemic
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

An interview about social mood during/after the pandemic

We are all experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic in different ways. We are also eyewitness to world-changing events developing in real-time. Axel, a computer science student at Poznan University of Technology is talking about his experience with the pandemic. Listen to the interview, and think of additional questions you would like to ask students from other countries. In mixed groups with students from other countries, prepare interviews and record them.

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Video conference going wrong
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

Video conference going wrong

Technical problems may always happen. In this video, you will hear some phrases that you need to know when you want to inform others about some technical issues during an online meeting. In the handout above, you will find a list of different sentences that may be useful then.

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