Making suggestions in a team
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

Making suggestions in a team

Watch the video for some tips on the language used to give constructive feedback to other members of your team.

As you listen, write down three phrases…

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Making suggestions - useful phrases
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

Making suggestions - useful phrases

In this handout, you will find many examples of different phrases that you can use to make suggestions along with structures that follow these phrases and an activity to practise their use.

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Agreeing and disagreeing - useful phrases
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

Agreeing and disagreeing - useful phrases

In this handout, you will find many examples of different phrases that you can use to respond to team members' suggestions both in situations when you agree or disagree with their ideas.

You will also practice the phrases to remember them better.

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Overview effect
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

Overview effect

On reading the handout you will be encouraged to look at our modern world from a little broader perspective. Additionally, the listening task will explain what an overview effect is and how it can prove useful and eye- opening.

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VUCA - teamwork perspective
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

VUCA - teamwork perspective

This handout will give more information about the concept of VUCA and the tips how to live and thrive in this VUCA world.

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Have you eaten?
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

Have you eaten?

In these activities, you will have to recognise some international dishes and you will deal with two examples of international recipes. You will also have some practice with a word formation referring to countries.

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Body Language in Communication
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

Body Language in Communication

These activities will show you that certain gestures remain universal regardless of culture or language. But you will also see that different messages can be conveyed by the same gestures.

In the first task, you will come across some examples of greeting rituals. Remember their names as you will need to use them in the second task.

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Cultural differences
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

Cultural differences

In this activity, some situations are presented to raise your awareness about cultural differences around the world.

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