An interview about social mood during/after the pandemic
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

An interview about social mood during/after the pandemic

We are all experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic in different ways. We are also eyewitness to world-changing events developing in real-time. Axel, a computer science student at Poznan University of Technology is talking about his experience with the pandemic. Listen to the interview, and think of additional questions you would like to ask students from other countries. In mixed groups with students from other countries, prepare interviews and record them.

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Guess the origin of a word
Jaana Isohätälä Jaana Isohätälä

Guess the origin of a word

In this task, you will find some information about origins of different loanwords that entered English. You will also be able to learn some new vocabulary as well as explore the topic of loanwords further and quiz each other about various loanwords with your peers using the link below.

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